Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I know its been awhile. And there is so much to write about, but I am way to behind to catch up. So, I'll just start from today, and will try to keep it short not to bore anyone.
This morning, June 30, 2009, we went to the doctor's office to get Lucas' blood tested. In Ukraine immunizations are not done until the doctor has child's blood and urine samples. Last week we met two doctors from two different offices to speak about shots for Lucas. They both came to our home and both said its ok to get shots in Ukraine, just have to check the vaccines before they are injected. OK!
We brought Lucas in and were speechless once we entered the children's clinic (thats what its called here). Kids crying and wailing and running everywhere, people waiting in the hallways, etc. We did not have an appointment - the doctor said just come in between 9 and 11:30 am :) I thought once we get there we just get in line and wait our turn. Well, instead my mom just opened doctor's door and said "Are you available? We are here" while Daddy peeks throught the crack of the door. We came in and brought in our own notebook where the nurse wrote down our contact information and Lucas' measurements. They do not have a well organized system, so they just keep ALL of the children's notebooks stacked in this one TINY office. And Lucas' ended up there as well.
-there were gang writings on the clinic building
- there is no AC anywhere in the building
- nurse weighed him in his clothes and full diaper on the blanket that we brought
- she did not wash her hands - no sink in the doctors office
-she was nice and friendly!!
-they sent us to the lab to get blood work done NEXT DOOR (literally!) but "Make sure you go the pharmacy and buy gloves for the lab technician to do the blood work"
- Momma bought gloves for 2.50 grivnas (cheap but still)cause the clinic does not supply their doctors/lab techs with gloves
- at the lab Lucas did well, looking around like he was on a foreign planet (seems like it sometimes)
-the lab tech asked for 3 grivnas for the blood work for herself! We gave ten grivnas bill, and she didnt want to give us change back!!! I stood there until I got it back.
All in all it went well. Cant wait to do a urine test on an infant! We got this gadget that attaches to his peepee and after he pees we suppose to run this gadget with his pee in it to the clinic...Tune in for another adventurous trip to the clinic.

P.S. Go and hug your doctor! and call your insurance company and thank them for charging you so much to feel so comfortable at your doctor's office/hospital, etc.