Monday, February 15, 2010

11 months boy

Lucas turned 11 months. The highlight of the month is summarized in the video below!! Enjoy!

Yes! Lucas is walking. It's so stinking exciting!!! I have not been this giddy since very long time ago. It is the coolest milestone we have witnessed so far, and are beyond ourselves. Though I am overjoyed and beaming with pride, I am sad baby is growing, getting bigger and much more independent. I miss those sleepless nights everyone grumbles about, I miss the breastfeeding at 1am and then at 3am, I miss watching content sleeping newborn, and I miss the cries at 2 am... Crazy? Yes. I just wish I could freeze those moments in memory box, and relive them each time I open it. But as Lucas is growing, I am looking forward to the new milestones, to the new adventures, new words he learnes, new sentences he puts together...

We love you, precious boy and are so stinking proud of you! So blessed to have you in our lives.