Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lil Man is 8 Months!

Our silly guy and his new smile. He also says "Ghee" when he does it - its hilarious!

Cracks me up
blackberry face

walking with granpa who is very persistent and is planning to teach Lucas walk before he is 1 year old
"Oh, Daddy! see the shirt I'm wearing? ;P Mommy dressed me, and I love it! Happy BBall season!!!!"
Lucas at 8 months:
- more independent
-sits without support
-uses both hands to play with toys
- wants to feed himself but mommy wont let him
- does not like strangers AT ALL! CRIES and CRIES! and clings to mom
- loves aunt Vika and mommy's friend Vika, trying to talk her into letting her future daughter marry him :)
-grasps things with fingers
- says "ba-ba, ga-ga, grrrrr, mba-mba"
- eats chicken, broccolli, potatoes, carrots, apples, cauliflower, cereals, cottage cheese, baby cookies, bubliki i.e. russian bagels, and other baby food. Drinks milk, apple and peach juices, tea with Vitamin C.
- loves to smile!!!
- loves to cuddle and snuggle
- sleeps during walks, but when awake is very curious and loves to watch loud cars and buses
I love you sweet boy! Thank you God for your precious gift, give us wisdom to take good care of this wonderful child...

1 comment:

anita said...

Oh my goodness!!!!! Those faces are so hilarious!! He made me laugh out loud! The only thing I don't like is that he cries at strangers. I mean, yes - he shouldn't be too friendly, but that means he's going to cry the next time he sees Auntie A. :/ You show him my picture every day, right? Ha!

Love you dearly.