Friday, January 15, 2010

10 months update!

First things first: Lucas turned 10 month on January 11!! Lucas and I came to visit Everette on December 13, 2009, and though it has only been a month, Lucas has changed so much. For one, he is getting tall (the kid is wearing size 12-18 months clothes)!

He does so much these days that I cant keep up writing it all down. Some of the highlights are:

- Lucas weighs 23 lbs (60%l-le), and measures 32 inches tall (100%-le. i.e 99% of children his age are shorter than Lucas..hmmm)

- pulls himself up(!!!) on just about anything, couch, chairs, play pin, mom and dad's knees, etc.

by doing that, he can stand holding onto a couch for hours :)

-falls down a lot, but learning to fall on his butt


- gets into everything he can lay his hands on

- loves to walk around in his walker, but more than that loves when we hold his hands and takes us around

- babbles all kind of cute stuff

- still eats baby food and drinks formula, though has tried table food like 'paghetti, mashed potatoes, mexican refried beans, and :)

-tries to feed himself with the spoon

-drinks juice from a sippy cup

- sleeps thru the night! Blessing :)

- new thing: can't stand getting his diapers changed

- plays shy when sees strangers, but doesn't mind people holding him anymore

- loves to rough play with Everette

- still cuddles with Mom :)

the one night Mommy had makeup on, Lucas didn't get the memo to smile at the camera
getting ready for a long flight to see Dad By the grace of God, we made it home safe and sound and after few days of jet lag, we hung out with BBall Varsity Girls. Lucas got so many hugs and "ooohhh" and "ahhhh's" - its rediculous :)
Christmas party with Hemsptead girls

So excited for Christmas!!!! We had Christmas for Lucas before we left for North Carolina to spend time with Everette's family.

He seemed to like it

hanging out with cousins in North Carolina

at gramma's for Christmas!
time to open presents!
First time standing in his play pin
And here comes...T-R-O-U-B-L-E

he figured out how to open drawers, and take things out of them

now when I look for my kitchen gadgets, I find toys

crawling EVERYWHERE!!! breakfast with Dad we went to visit our dear friends, Amanda and Travis, who had beautiful baby Vanessa! Congrats guys! Lucas' girlfriend is gorgeous :)

Everette and I went to a Christmas party Crossroads had on January 9th. It was so fun to see everyone!!! We had a blast!!! I miss my peeps :(

" can I get on this chair?"

always happy :)

1 comment:

anita said...

HOLY BOLOGNA!!!!! WHERE IS THE BABY?????? Seriously, your child is all grown up!! I don't know if I can handle this! Oh my, for real - that's really him?????? *sigh*

Love the update.