Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fall in Midwest

Last weekend we drove to Gays Mills, Wisconsin - to get some apples! This is our second year going there (I think its becoming a tradition, as long as we live in Midwest). Its a beautiful drive and the apples are delicious. We went to Kikapoo orchard, ate apple pizza for lunch, wondered around in corn maze, and, of course, bought apples, and lots of them. Any ideas what to do with a big amount of apples?? Anyone? I made apple turnovers and apple pie so far, plus I eat two a day, plus I make Everette eat them, and I gave some away to kids I work with. And I still have a lot left. Any good ideas? On the way from Kikapoo orchard we ran into another BIG orchard, "Sunrise..." something. They had freshly baked apple cider donuts (melted in the mouth!!!!) and freshly squezzed apple cider slushy. Boy, oh boy! Were we happy?! Hoping that next year we get to take our little one to the apple paradise with us.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ultrasound and week 20...

Today was our first ultrasound - we thought it was going to be the one and only, well...we'll have a couple more. The baby looks healthy and there are no major concerns; everything is developing in timely manner. It was truly an amazing experience - seeing a little person floating around, heart beating, arms and legs moving. Very touching and very sureal...Everette and I were both in awe. At one point, Everette said, "Wow, there is a baby in there." We found out the sex of the baby and will only reveal to those who really wanna know NOW :)

There are some concerns with the umbilical cord, that is why we'll be having more ultrasounds to monitor the baby's growth. I have a condition that occurs in less than 1% of all pregnancies. Once I find out more, I will make sure to do some research and update everyone.

For now I am trying to stay calm and pray that the Lord will continue taking care of this precious baby...

As for Everette and I, we are busy working (and Everette is finishing up school as well) and getting ready for the new arrival. Oh, and basketball season starts in less than a month!! that means much travelling, screaming, I mean cheering, pretzels and cheese, and oh, yeah...cold weather. Cant wait till snow!!! Not really...but i am looking forward to Thanksgiving. Anita, are you coming to visit or WHAT?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I swore I would never be a BLOGGER!

Well, here I am and attempting to blog..This is my first try, so we'll see.

I thought I should join the blog world for many reasons...but the most important one is to keep my family and friends updated on all the happenings in our lives.

For now I am going to figure out how this thing works and add more as I learn more about :)