Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ultrasound and week 20...

Today was our first ultrasound - we thought it was going to be the one and only, well...we'll have a couple more. The baby looks healthy and there are no major concerns; everything is developing in timely manner. It was truly an amazing experience - seeing a little person floating around, heart beating, arms and legs moving. Very touching and very sureal...Everette and I were both in awe. At one point, Everette said, "Wow, there is a baby in there." We found out the sex of the baby and will only reveal to those who really wanna know NOW :)

There are some concerns with the umbilical cord, that is why we'll be having more ultrasounds to monitor the baby's growth. I have a condition that occurs in less than 1% of all pregnancies. Once I find out more, I will make sure to do some research and update everyone.

For now I am trying to stay calm and pray that the Lord will continue taking care of this precious baby...

As for Everette and I, we are busy working (and Everette is finishing up school as well) and getting ready for the new arrival. Oh, and basketball season starts in less than a month!! that means much travelling, screaming, I mean cheering, pretzels and cheese, and oh, yeah...cold weather. Cant wait till snow!!! Not really...but i am looking forward to Thanksgiving. Anita, are you coming to visit or WHAT?

1 comment:

Natoshial said...

Hi Everette and Eugenia!!! I am so excited for you both. I remember my first ultrasound and it was so exciting. I won't find out the sex of the baby cause I have a tendency of letting it slip out. Not unless all the Locklears decide they want to know. Then I will too!!!
I am sorry to hear that you are having some concerns with your pregnancy. I will be in prayer for all three of you and I hope everything goes well. I'm sure it will.
I can't wait to see you both. Hopefully we'll get to throw you a baby shower. That would be loads of fun. All the cutest stuff you can imagine.
I'm glad you started a blog it is a great hobby and it is a good way to keep everyone updated on how all of you are doing.

Thanks for inviting me and God Bless!!!