Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I know I haven't really posted anything good excuses, though there are a few...

Summary of life at the Locklears:

-Week 37 of pregnancy
- baby is growing! Last week the weight was 6lbs 11oz, according to the ultrasound and all the measurements
-mama (thats me) can't wait to see the baby, though is very nervous about the event - this waiting time is difficult!
-daddy (thats Everette) is losing his mind creating lesson plans for student teaching and is very excited to meet the baby. He is doing more breathing exercises than I do.
- Im still working, though not as much - my mobility is very limited these days.
- we have washed and ironed oodles of onesies, shirts, pants, sleepers, hats, receiving blankets this past weekend. They are some what neatly organized in baby's new furniture lovingly given to us by a friend and colleague of mine.
- nothing tastes good anymore. I love to cook and cook every other day if not everyday (it tastes better and it saves money!), but these days NOTHING sounds good. I want something and I dont know what it is I want. I dont have cravings, I just have screwed up taste, yesterday I went to the grocery store and end up with this in my cart: hot dogs, canned beef ravioli, processed American cheese, bagels, single serving tub of chocolate-fudge ice-cream (thank goodness at the last moment i exercised some self-control and got a single serving instead of a gallon like i was going to get). And I wanted to eat it all at together, like mixed in a big bowl and using big spoon. Hello!?! Nothing wrong with these foods, but I never buy them or eat them, so, this was weird. Thankfully, I had to go to work in the afternoon, and I spared my stomach from crazy concoction.
- I am still waiting for that nesting syndrome to kick in - that would really help our place look better. They say you start cleaning like crazy..hmm...hmm Cant wait for that!
- we went to some baby classes, which was fun and very educational. I always laugh when I watch men in these classes, especially when we watch videos of birth, breastfeeding, etc..

This is it in a nutshell. Hope you all have a good rest of the week!

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