Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 34...6 more to go..or less :)

This is what I got today in my daily What to Expect emails - it made me chuckle :) Enjoy.

"Week 34: A Rising Doughboy (or Girl)
Your baby could be as tall as 20 inches right now and about five pounds. Need a visual? Hold a five-pound bag of flour in your arms and imagine it's your soon-to-be-born baby (cradle it, and you'll only get strange looks in the baking aisle). Then stack three such bags one on top of the other (and get ready for some more strange looks, maybe from the same clerks who saw you grinning and holding that one-pound box of sugar a few weeks ago). That's how tall your baby is now. (Now go bake some oatmeal raisin cookies with all that flour!)
Your baby's fingernails now reach the end of the fingertips and may even curl over the tip, making a manicure one of the first things you'll need to do for your little bundle. "

Had a doc's appointment today (Jan.27, 2009) and another NST (non-stress test). Everything is looking good. Got to hear baby's heart beat for 20 minutes - love it! The nurse I had was a bit on a reserved side, but treated me like royalty, placing pillow behind my back, offering juice and such. She said they delivered 7 babies last night! How cool! I didnt get to see any of them through the nursery window - darn :( Nurse, Lori, from last week saw me walking on the floor and cheerfully greeted me as if we know each other for ages. That felt good - she made me feel really comfortable. Lori is quite a talker, last time she wouldn't let me watch Obama swearing in - she kept talking, and talking, and talking :) But I hope I have her when the baby comes, she has that motherly touch and is very laid back.
Though I am very uncomfortable, as far as sitting, laying down, walking and other basic functions we take for granted, I enjoy being pregnant. But now that the D-day is closer, I am getting way too excited to see this child. Sometimes at night, while hanging out at home, I get this overwhelming feeling of wanting to see the baby, especially when the baby is very active. So, I say, "Everette, I am ready - lets go to the hospital." He just laughs.

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