Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 months old!

Lucas is 2 months old today. He is quite a cutie! He changes every day - he coos and smiles so much more now. He recognizes us and still LOVES to be held and cuddled, we dont mind though since these days will be gone before we know it and he'll want to run and be all independent.

Lucas had his 2 months doctor's appointment today. He weighs 12lbs 14 oz and measures 25 inches long (according to Dr. Hanson thats considered pretty long for his age). Poor baby had shots and oh my...he cried like never before. The nurse said to just entertain him and try to hold his hands; Lucas was all smiles and happy...and then it happened...poke once...poke twice...poke for the third time. I so wanted to give her my legs to poke instead of his...He cried so hard and so loud, it was truly hearbreaking. I felt so bad...like I totally fooled him by encouraging him to smile and all, and then he had all this pain. After some time and some food, he calmed down and fell asleep for awhile. Scientists should come up with vaccines in the form of candy...hmmm, there is a thought!

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