Friday, October 23, 2009

Lucas is 7 month...(and 12 days..oops late update)

Main milestones for Lucas:
- he can sit up all by himself for longer than 5 minutes!!!!
-he holds his bottle and guides it to his mouth (oh, he is so grown..Im crying, soon he wont need me so much..*sniff*)
-he eats all kind of solids, including he is developing taste for sweets like bananas and start to refuse eating broccolli :) Smart!
- THREE teeth are out! two top and on the bottom, and they are sharp!
- he loves milk; it doesnt matter how much baby food he consumes in one sitting he will still drink a whole bottle of milk (6-8oz)
-still sleeps with his girl Zoozu
- he discovered that adults toys i.e. remote controls, cell phones, laptop, are more fun to play with than his own toys. And they taste better too.
- not sure what his weight and height are at this point
-Lucas started to grow some hair back; its light brown
Lucas is such a delight! I am so blessed to be his Mama. There are tough days, and days when my patience running low, and I wish I could grow another set of hands and eyes...But God gets me through it all, reminding me that these days will go by so fast so I need to enjoy every minute of it.

Up late...again :)
"Broccolli is good for you!"
"So, why dont YOU eat it, Mommy?!"

Tired Lucas.."teeth are cutting thru" kind of a night

We miss Daddy terribly, but thanks to wonderful SKYPE we are able to see each other daily! So cool! Love you Everette!

I never sleep without my girl!

check it out! I am holding my bottle. The camera is distracting me, I gotta smile :)

just woke from a nap face

1 comment:

anita said...

I love this and I love you all.