Friday, February 4, 2011

No way I can keep up with blogging!! NO WAY! But I thought I'd let yall know we are alive and well.
We are on the last leg of our journey; our hopes and prayers that in mid-august we will be safely touching down in the good ol' US of A!!! I'm thinking of doing something super crazy once we leave the airport to celebrate our arrival (***think 'happy dance' in the parking lot)...Any ideas? The crazier the better!
But for now..its a waiting game...waiting for Everette in April...waiting for application approval...waiting for the interview...waiting for God's perfect guidance in this whole process...waiting...and waiting...And I SUCK at waiting...but they say its good for you.

And for now...
Listening to: Rihanna singing and Lucas snoring loud due to stuffy nose

Eating: bublik

Drinking: fruit tea

Wearing: black yoga pants, gray t-shirt - I'm suppa fancy like that

Feeling: anxious....missing my best friend-my Everette (if you are reading this-you better start packing!)

Needing: Starbucks grande Carmel Macchiato (more like really wanting one)

Making: nothing anytime soon

Thinking: about what to do for our 5th year Anniversary this August...

Wondering: will my heart heal in time....will the pain go away...what my life will be like next year at this time

NOT: looking forward to another 2.5 months of waiting....

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