Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ultrasound # 2

I had a second ultrasound this morning. Everette and I both were so excited to see our little baby, though s/he is not so little anymore - s/he did not fit on the screen(!), which is an awesome news, meaning the baby grew!!! That's what everyone was hoping for. The baby weighs a bit over 2lbs. S/he was not very compliant as far as turning his/her face toward us, though we did get a wave at the end :) We both squealed like little kids ourselves when we saw the baby playing with his/her hands and touching the face.

It was hard to tell what was what, as far as belly, brain, etc, but we had a wonderful technician this time (who is expecting herself) and she explained everything to us with patience and understanding. The doctor said everything looks great, baby is developing fine and is growing right on the mark. The cysts that were seen on previous ultrasound dissolved, so we had much better visit this time around. Plus the doctor that we saw was very friendly and funny - he couldn't pronounce my name for the life of him :). Due date is still the same, March 10th.
I have to go see some kids this afternoon i.e. work, even though its snowing like crazy here! But when I am back I'll try to post some 7 months pictures, because today I am 28 weeks :)

Thank you for thinking about us and praying for our baby!

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