Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Time for update...

We spent some time with family in North Carolina during Christmas break. It was nice and relaxing, at least for me :) Everette was sick - poor guy. We got to see all nieces and nephews, two of them for the first time. They are so precious and so fun! Along with enjoying the family we really enjoyed summer-like weather!

We got back right before the New Years to go back to work and go to doctor's appointment. Baby is doing well, moving around much, and growing (making Mommy grow as well! Oh, the joy of pregnancy and motherhood :) ). In two weeks we'll have another ultrasound to monitor baby's growth. On the same day they will perform stress test to see how the baby is liking it in there.

On New Year's we watched crazy people in Times Square, ate cake (Ukrainian cake - people make it for New Years celebration), played cards and just hung out, talking about that we have been married over 2 years, and known each other over 5! We prayed that this year the Lord would bless us with a healthy baby and many adventures ahead:) Everette was sick, so we rang in the New Year with Sparkling Cider in one hand and Tylenol in another :) Man, it was tough to keep eyes open past 12!

That's pretty much it. We got a new "toy" yesterday, that we will probably be fighting over very soon. Check out the pictures below :)

Happy New Year! May the Lord bless you and your family this year and always...

Belly picture...week 30

Our family had a baby shower for us during our stay in North Carolina

The Family! (most of us). We miss ya'll!

New Year's Cake

Happy New Year to all!

(Everette, the camera is in the opposite direction- follow the light :)

The finished product

That is our new gadget! We are not fighting over it yet, but Everette is testing it already :)

Now we just need the baby to rock...We are so anxious to meet you, little angel!

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