Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 34...6 more to go..or less :)

This is what I got today in my daily What to Expect emails - it made me chuckle :) Enjoy.

"Week 34: A Rising Doughboy (or Girl)
Your baby could be as tall as 20 inches right now and about five pounds. Need a visual? Hold a five-pound bag of flour in your arms and imagine it's your soon-to-be-born baby (cradle it, and you'll only get strange looks in the baking aisle). Then stack three such bags one on top of the other (and get ready for some more strange looks, maybe from the same clerks who saw you grinning and holding that one-pound box of sugar a few weeks ago). That's how tall your baby is now. (Now go bake some oatmeal raisin cookies with all that flour!)
Your baby's fingernails now reach the end of the fingertips and may even curl over the tip, making a manicure one of the first things you'll need to do for your little bundle. "

Had a doc's appointment today (Jan.27, 2009) and another NST (non-stress test). Everything is looking good. Got to hear baby's heart beat for 20 minutes - love it! The nurse I had was a bit on a reserved side, but treated me like royalty, placing pillow behind my back, offering juice and such. She said they delivered 7 babies last night! How cool! I didnt get to see any of them through the nursery window - darn :( Nurse, Lori, from last week saw me walking on the floor and cheerfully greeted me as if we know each other for ages. That felt good - she made me feel really comfortable. Lori is quite a talker, last time she wouldn't let me watch Obama swearing in - she kept talking, and talking, and talking :) But I hope I have her when the baby comes, she has that motherly touch and is very laid back.
Though I am very uncomfortable, as far as sitting, laying down, walking and other basic functions we take for granted, I enjoy being pregnant. But now that the D-day is closer, I am getting way too excited to see this child. Sometimes at night, while hanging out at home, I get this overwhelming feeling of wanting to see the baby, especially when the baby is very active. So, I say, "Everette, I am ready - lets go to the hospital." He just laughs.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Countdown is wayyy down...

Thought I'd write a blirp about our week.
- on Wednesday we finished out Lamaze course. If you are having a baby (or one day planning on having one) and TOTALLY clueless about pregnancy, and dont have the time to read up on the subject, then I would recommend you go to the classes. Unfortunately, in this day and age everyone, including Lamaze instructors, assume you will get an epidural (it feels like they think you are weird if you dont want to get one)...sad, but true... so, we spent more time learning about needles, side effects, informed consent, and various medical procedures instead of learning about natural birthing. We are looking forward to "Make Room for Baby" class though, that should be fun.

- Everette started student teaching on Friday. He has to teach three different subjects (Economics, Money Management, American History) and is overwhelmed. If you think of it, please pray for the guy - he has a lot on his plate.

-I am still working, though its getting tough as far as trying to keep up with kids' pace - I am not as mobile anymore :)

-Saturday Everette was gone most of the day for basketball games, and at the end of day we hung out with wonderful parents and kids that he coaches. They threw us an awesome BabyShower! Thank you guys! We received a lot of fun and cute stuff for the baby, including a play yard we wanted. So cool! We had lots of laughs and received many advices on raising children :) I sat with the women and received a good dose of funny birthing stories, while Everette hung out with all the dads...hmmm, not sure what advice they gave him, but all I heard throughout the night was "Get used to it, man!" Unfortunately, my camera is going kaput, so I cant post any pictures (they are too dark!) - i couldnt post them anyway, because the shower was color-coded and some people who read this blog want to be surprised as far as the sex of the baby, so may be after the baby arrives.

-Today (Sunday) was low key: grocery shopping, lunch, homework for Everette, reading for me, nap (we are still trying to nap on the couch together, but its not working out so good - belly gets in the way), laundry, making dinner, BBall practice for Everette, ironing clothes, watching some TV, posting a blog, ready to pass out...OK, so may be not too low key, but a typical Sunday for us.

Have a great week and tune in for more pictures of week 34. Cant believe we will see our precious baby in 6 weeks..or SOONER!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Baby Pineapple! and small update :)

As promised, posting some pictures. I have a hard time wanting to take a bunch of pictures :) I really enjoy being pregnant, especially I love the times when baby moves...BUT I also tend to have swollen face, fingers and such...yeah. One thing no one told me about pregnancy is possibility of fingers not being able to bend in the morning, wrists hurting, bones stretching before the delivery. Oh, and I cant sleep much at night - when I have to turn I feel as if I need a crane to lift me. My husband says I snore real loud lately - wow, thanks babe! I love you and hope you still love me too despite my many flaws :) I sound like an old lady, but Iam just complaining - bear with me :) I will be all better soon. Aren't you glad you read this blog?! :) Now you know more than you ever wanted too, eh?

According to "Your baby is proportioned like a pineapple when it comes to weight -- a little over 4 pounds. (Length: more than 17 inches, head to heel.)" Pretty cool!

Thanks Grandma for the Goodies!!!! You are spoiling me and I am not even here. Can't wait to see you soon!

Beginning of Week 33! Phew - I am getting rounder and I still have almost 2 months to go.

Stay in little one - you still have some growing to do!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ultrasound #3, Baby, Boots and Brrrr...

I had my third ultrasound yesterday along with regular doc's appointment and non-stress test.
Doctor's appointment went well, baby is growing and measuring right on time. Non-stress test was performed right after to see how the baby is living 'in there'. According to the results of the test and the doctor, the baby seems to like his/her home. The test was performed on the birthing floor where I'll be having the baby, so when I went up there I was feeling quite anxious-nervous-butterflies in the stomach type of thing. I even got to lay on the birthing bed while I was hooked up to the monitors. Kind of cool, but anxiety provoking. Oh, and I will be doing these tests every week up until the week of delivery. So I figured by the time the baby decides to appear I will be very comfortable on the birthing floor :)

Ultrasound also showed that baby is growing well - 4lbs 3oz! If this kid doubles in size in the next two months, like s/he suppose to, I am not sure my skin can stretch that much (but everyone keeps telling me I will be surprised what my body can do to accommodate this little one)! I will have at least one more ultrasound to continue monitoring baby's growth (there still a chance a baby can stop growing, but we are praying it won't be the case). The doctor said the baby looks good and seems to be doing quite well! Exciting! Everette wasn't able to go with me for this appointment, but I got lucky to see baby's cheeks! They are cute and chubby (of course I am biased) :). That's all I have as far as update on the pregnancy, we are getting nervous but extremely excited to meet our bundle of joy. Even though we can't wait, we continue to pray that the baby stays in for next 7-8 weeks and grows, grows, grows!

It is bitterly cold in this part of the country. I feel like we live in the North Pole - it was -15F today and going down at night to -35F and that's not counting the wind chill! Hello! It takes my car up to 25 minutes to warm up :) Nice. We have a ton of snow on the ground, but even avid skiers stay in because of the temperatures. I think I am just going to hibernate until the birds start chirping...Whatcha think?
I will try to post some pictures in the next couple of days (no promises!), so keep checking our blog :) Have a good rest of the week and stay warm!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Time for update...

We spent some time with family in North Carolina during Christmas break. It was nice and relaxing, at least for me :) Everette was sick - poor guy. We got to see all nieces and nephews, two of them for the first time. They are so precious and so fun! Along with enjoying the family we really enjoyed summer-like weather!

We got back right before the New Years to go back to work and go to doctor's appointment. Baby is doing well, moving around much, and growing (making Mommy grow as well! Oh, the joy of pregnancy and motherhood :) ). In two weeks we'll have another ultrasound to monitor baby's growth. On the same day they will perform stress test to see how the baby is liking it in there.

On New Year's we watched crazy people in Times Square, ate cake (Ukrainian cake - people make it for New Years celebration), played cards and just hung out, talking about that we have been married over 2 years, and known each other over 5! We prayed that this year the Lord would bless us with a healthy baby and many adventures ahead:) Everette was sick, so we rang in the New Year with Sparkling Cider in one hand and Tylenol in another :) Man, it was tough to keep eyes open past 12!

That's pretty much it. We got a new "toy" yesterday, that we will probably be fighting over very soon. Check out the pictures below :)

Happy New Year! May the Lord bless you and your family this year and always...

Belly picture...week 30

Our family had a baby shower for us during our stay in North Carolina

The Family! (most of us). We miss ya'll!

New Year's Cake

Happy New Year to all!

(Everette, the camera is in the opposite direction- follow the light :)

The finished product

That is our new gadget! We are not fighting over it yet, but Everette is testing it already :)

Now we just need the baby to rock...We are so anxious to meet you, little angel!