Monday, January 26, 2009

Countdown is wayyy down...

Thought I'd write a blirp about our week.
- on Wednesday we finished out Lamaze course. If you are having a baby (or one day planning on having one) and TOTALLY clueless about pregnancy, and dont have the time to read up on the subject, then I would recommend you go to the classes. Unfortunately, in this day and age everyone, including Lamaze instructors, assume you will get an epidural (it feels like they think you are weird if you dont want to get one)...sad, but true... so, we spent more time learning about needles, side effects, informed consent, and various medical procedures instead of learning about natural birthing. We are looking forward to "Make Room for Baby" class though, that should be fun.

- Everette started student teaching on Friday. He has to teach three different subjects (Economics, Money Management, American History) and is overwhelmed. If you think of it, please pray for the guy - he has a lot on his plate.

-I am still working, though its getting tough as far as trying to keep up with kids' pace - I am not as mobile anymore :)

-Saturday Everette was gone most of the day for basketball games, and at the end of day we hung out with wonderful parents and kids that he coaches. They threw us an awesome BabyShower! Thank you guys! We received a lot of fun and cute stuff for the baby, including a play yard we wanted. So cool! We had lots of laughs and received many advices on raising children :) I sat with the women and received a good dose of funny birthing stories, while Everette hung out with all the dads...hmmm, not sure what advice they gave him, but all I heard throughout the night was "Get used to it, man!" Unfortunately, my camera is going kaput, so I cant post any pictures (they are too dark!) - i couldnt post them anyway, because the shower was color-coded and some people who read this blog want to be surprised as far as the sex of the baby, so may be after the baby arrives.

-Today (Sunday) was low key: grocery shopping, lunch, homework for Everette, reading for me, nap (we are still trying to nap on the couch together, but its not working out so good - belly gets in the way), laundry, making dinner, BBall practice for Everette, ironing clothes, watching some TV, posting a blog, ready to pass out...OK, so may be not too low key, but a typical Sunday for us.

Have a great week and tune in for more pictures of week 34. Cant believe we will see our precious baby in 6 weeks..or SOONER!

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