Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ultrasound #3, Baby, Boots and Brrrr...

I had my third ultrasound yesterday along with regular doc's appointment and non-stress test.
Doctor's appointment went well, baby is growing and measuring right on time. Non-stress test was performed right after to see how the baby is living 'in there'. According to the results of the test and the doctor, the baby seems to like his/her home. The test was performed on the birthing floor where I'll be having the baby, so when I went up there I was feeling quite anxious-nervous-butterflies in the stomach type of thing. I even got to lay on the birthing bed while I was hooked up to the monitors. Kind of cool, but anxiety provoking. Oh, and I will be doing these tests every week up until the week of delivery. So I figured by the time the baby decides to appear I will be very comfortable on the birthing floor :)

Ultrasound also showed that baby is growing well - 4lbs 3oz! If this kid doubles in size in the next two months, like s/he suppose to, I am not sure my skin can stretch that much (but everyone keeps telling me I will be surprised what my body can do to accommodate this little one)! I will have at least one more ultrasound to continue monitoring baby's growth (there still a chance a baby can stop growing, but we are praying it won't be the case). The doctor said the baby looks good and seems to be doing quite well! Exciting! Everette wasn't able to go with me for this appointment, but I got lucky to see baby's cheeks! They are cute and chubby (of course I am biased) :). That's all I have as far as update on the pregnancy, we are getting nervous but extremely excited to meet our bundle of joy. Even though we can't wait, we continue to pray that the baby stays in for next 7-8 weeks and grows, grows, grows!

It is bitterly cold in this part of the country. I feel like we live in the North Pole - it was -15F today and going down at night to -35F and that's not counting the wind chill! Hello! It takes my car up to 25 minutes to warm up :) Nice. We have a ton of snow on the ground, but even avid skiers stay in because of the temperatures. I think I am just going to hibernate until the birds start chirping...Whatcha think?
I will try to post some pictures in the next couple of days (no promises!), so keep checking our blog :) Have a good rest of the week and stay warm!!

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