Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ultrasound # 2

I had a second ultrasound this morning. Everette and I both were so excited to see our little baby, though s/he is not so little anymore - s/he did not fit on the screen(!), which is an awesome news, meaning the baby grew!!! That's what everyone was hoping for. The baby weighs a bit over 2lbs. S/he was not very compliant as far as turning his/her face toward us, though we did get a wave at the end :) We both squealed like little kids ourselves when we saw the baby playing with his/her hands and touching the face.

It was hard to tell what was what, as far as belly, brain, etc, but we had a wonderful technician this time (who is expecting herself) and she explained everything to us with patience and understanding. The doctor said everything looks great, baby is developing fine and is growing right on the mark. The cysts that were seen on previous ultrasound dissolved, so we had much better visit this time around. Plus the doctor that we saw was very friendly and funny - he couldn't pronounce my name for the life of him :). Due date is still the same, March 10th.
I have to go see some kids this afternoon i.e. work, even though its snowing like crazy here! But when I am back I'll try to post some 7 months pictures, because today I am 28 weeks :)

Thank you for thinking about us and praying for our baby!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday At Home...

Its already December 14th! WOW. Where did the time go? 11 days till Christmas...I feel like I have so much to do, shopping, baking, cleaning, working, sending Christmas cards ( i am so not good at it! So, if you do not receive one from us this year, do not take it personally - not many people will, if any :)).
We put up a beautiful Christmas tree few days ago, though its not as big as we usually get, we still enjoy it. The fun part is going out in the freezing weather and picking one out. Or may be my favorite part is decorating it while cookies are being baked in the oven. Oh, the Christmas time!

Here is the weekend summary:
Friday night:
Everette - basketball game out of town
Eugenia - work till 8pm.
Everette - basketball tournament all day
- nap
Eugenia - ACT testing ( I was giving the test, not taking one:) )
- nap
-basketball tournament day 2
-grocery shopping. I usually go by myself, but today I went with Everette and oh, boy, it was my shortest grocery trip EVER! I should bring him with me more often - he keeps me on track. In fact, I only bought items on my list - that never happens :)
- we decided to take "power nap" for about 20 minutes before Everette would do his homework and I work on some projects around the house. "Power nap" ended up being "Super Power Nap" for about 3 hours. I figured we better enjoy it before our bundle of joy arrives - I hear three hour naps and quiet Sunday afternoons will be the thing of the past.
-Everette is doing homework, while I decided to ditch my projects and watch some TV, blog, and do some online shopping.

Baby is growing and kicking; last night I felt like someone stabbed me in the ribs. I passed my glucose screening test (to check for gestational diabetes)with flying colors, Praise the Lord! That orange drink they give you to drink within five minutes is NOT as bad as people describe. I was ready for something truly horrible, and its not that bad. Bottom line, do not believe everything you hear. I have an ultrasound on Tuesday morning to check for baby's growth; we truly would appreciate your prayers for a healthy baby. We'll keep you updated.

Have a blessed week!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2 Blogs in One Day...The Cucumber

According to babycenter.com our baby is as long as a cucumber this week, and not any kind of cucumber but an English hothouse cucumber! There!

The cucumber is kicking my guts and does not let me sleep much at night these days. Can't wait till third trimester when I won't be able to sleep at all, when cucumber transforms into a watermelon. But I hear it is all worth it at the end of the journey.

Double Digits and Counting...

I noticed on the baby due date counter that we are in double digits, as of today 98 days to go! Insane. Seems like we just found out we were having a child, and now only 98 days left. Its already December, Christmas is in few weeks...OK. NOW I am getting scared, excited but FREAKED OUT! I better get cleaning before baby arrives, otherwise I am in trouble :)

Thanksgiving went well. We ended up looking thru Black Friday ads, eating a lot, watching movies at home (though I secretly wished we watched football, but the TV went 'bye-bye'), taking two hour nap, eating some more, and going to see the "Twilight". Man, book is much better than the movie (although, I have to admit - they are both cheesy). If you are planning on seeing it, read the book first though!

Black Friday...Went with Everette to Walmart, camcorder we were looking for was sold out two hours earlier (we were there by 7am), ran to Kmart and it was there! Not sure if we got a good deal, but it is the sport of it that counts. Did not get run over by anyone, found a decent parking spot, got home by 7:45am, so I guess that was a successful Black Friday shopping.

The Bird

The Turkey Hunter

The Harvest

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Well, I am not doing very well with this blogging thing, considering this is my first update since a month ago :) Although, there is not much happening. Everette has been busy with basketball season for the last two weeks - that takes up a lot of his time. First official game is coming up Tuesday

I am busy with my job; it's tiring at times but I enjoy it, though I can't sit on the floor with the kids anymore - belly gets in the way :) I am definitely enjoying this pregnancy, seems like people are much nicer to you when they find out you are pregnant, they offer you a chair, FOOD, sweets, etc. Some people also touch my belly without asking and that's a tad weird when it's a stranger! (weirder when they start talking to the belly...)Oh, baby! Baby is doing alright - kicking away; the other morning kicked Everette in the face (that's what you get when you lay on baby's territory).

Thanksgiving is next week! Plan is to cook turkey and all the trimmings, may be have couple friends over. Next day Everette has a high school game and then we are planning to leave for Des Moines for the weekend (basketball tournament). That's about all I have...

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Be truly thankful for all the people in your life and all the blessings you enjoy on daily basis...

Halloween treats for my kids!

My Jack-O-Lantern

I lost count how many years in a row we carve pumpkins. I think this is our fifth time and this time it was all done indoors - it was way too cold and windy outside. Every year we get better at it; by "better" I mean faster. The first year we carved pumpkins - it took FOREVER!

6 months and counting....

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fall in Midwest

Last weekend we drove to Gays Mills, Wisconsin - to get some apples! This is our second year going there (I think its becoming a tradition, as long as we live in Midwest). Its a beautiful drive and the apples are delicious. We went to Kikapoo orchard, ate apple pizza for lunch, wondered around in corn maze, and, of course, bought apples, and lots of them. Any ideas what to do with a big amount of apples?? Anyone? I made apple turnovers and apple pie so far, plus I eat two a day, plus I make Everette eat them, and I gave some away to kids I work with. And I still have a lot left. Any good ideas? On the way from Kikapoo orchard we ran into another BIG orchard, "Sunrise..." something. They had freshly baked apple cider donuts (melted in the mouth!!!!) and freshly squezzed apple cider slushy. Boy, oh boy! Were we happy?! Hoping that next year we get to take our little one to the apple paradise with us.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ultrasound and week 20...

Today was our first ultrasound - we thought it was going to be the one and only, well...we'll have a couple more. The baby looks healthy and there are no major concerns; everything is developing in timely manner. It was truly an amazing experience - seeing a little person floating around, heart beating, arms and legs moving. Very touching and very sureal...Everette and I were both in awe. At one point, Everette said, "Wow, there is a baby in there." We found out the sex of the baby and will only reveal to those who really wanna know NOW :)

There are some concerns with the umbilical cord, that is why we'll be having more ultrasounds to monitor the baby's growth. I have a condition that occurs in less than 1% of all pregnancies. Once I find out more, I will make sure to do some research and update everyone.

For now I am trying to stay calm and pray that the Lord will continue taking care of this precious baby...

As for Everette and I, we are busy working (and Everette is finishing up school as well) and getting ready for the new arrival. Oh, and basketball season starts in less than a month!! that means much travelling, screaming, I mean cheering, pretzels and cheese, and oh, yeah...cold weather. Cant wait till snow!!! Not really...but i am looking forward to Thanksgiving. Anita, are you coming to visit or WHAT?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I swore I would never be a BLOGGER!

Well, here I am and attempting to blog..This is my first try, so we'll see.

I thought I should join the blog world for many reasons...but the most important one is to keep my family and friends updated on all the happenings in our lives.

For now I am going to figure out how this thing works and add more as I learn more about blogspot.com :)